A call for participants for a performance in the park
We are currently working with The University of Nottingham on a project that examines and celebrates the social history of a number of parks and walks* in the city that were created after the 1845 Enclosure Act.
This work will culminate in a series of five performances in five locations on the afternoon of July 16th and the afternoons and early evenings of July 23rd and 24th. The performances will take the form of a walk through the parks where the audience will encounter a series of characters and events, as well as being asked to partake in a number of activities, that will hopefully both inform and provoke. Each event will last around 70 minutes.
We are currently looking for performers to take part in this project. Rehearsals will take place in May and June in the city, and the majority of these will be (indoors) at the Forest. It should be a really interesting project to take part in, especially given the challenge of making the same show for five different spaces. And, as always, we will try to work around you availability and commitment level as much as we can.
If you would like to know more, or are interested in taking part, then please contact andy@excavate.org.uk
* The Arboretum / Victoria Park / Queens Walk Recreation Ground / The Forest / Elm Avenue and Corporation Oaks.