Happy New Year comrades!
Hello everyone; we hope you had a good break (if you had one) and are ready for a year which will undoubtedly be full of discussion and argument about the role of the social, the collective and the communal. It’s a very interesting time to be making community based art. And well done to all of those who continue to call it that rather than the much more often used ‘participatory’. Of course we want people to participate, but as a collective not as a group of individuals.
We’re not sure exactly what we’ll be doing this year as yet as we’re waiting to hear on a number of projects, but we do know that we’ll be doing some exploratory work with the National Theatre and Damon Albarn as we look to develop a project about a conscientious objectors community in Lincolnshire during World War Two. Which is, of course, very exciting.
We’ll let you know as soon as we hear anything about our proposed projects, or when we are ready to show work we are currently rehearsing.