Over the last five years we have been increasingly active in investigating the way that we work and what happens as a result. Our partnership with the University of Nottingham has led to a body of work, some of which has been presented at home and abroad, some of which has been published (including an award winning paper for Discourse), and some of which is soon to be published. We joined the East Midlands Participatory Arts Forum on the Caravan of Dreams residency for the International Community Arts Festival in 2014 where we documented the work of community artists across the Netherlands.
We are often asked to give lectures and talks about our work in higher educational settings. And we continue to seek new partnerships and colleagues who wish to dig deep into the methods, results and impacts of community theatre.
You can read the essays here:
Representing the Forgotten Estate
Performing Impact – http://performingimpactproject.wordpress.com/
The performing impact project was a scoping study funded by the AHRC, under its Connected Communities programme. We were part of the discussions and workshops that were held as a part of this and images from our work can be seen throughout the blog.